Rum & Smoke
Category: Seasonal Drinks
This twist on a simple classic emanates a cloud of vapor as you drink it. Be careful not to burn your lips on the dry ice.
This item allows you to apply the Cloudy trait to your succubun. Please submit your redesign under "Submit Claim" with this item attached in order to make the change official.
Purchaseable At:
Butteredfly Rum
Category: Seasonal Drinks
This hot buttered rum is an excellent cure for butterflies in your stomach.
This item allows you to apply the Flutter Motes trait to your succubun. Please submit your redesign under "Submit Claim" with this item attached in order to make the change official.
Category: Ingredients
Resale Value: 5
Rum, distilled from fermented sugarcane, is the world's oldest distilled spirit.
This item can be used to craft Dracquiri and Smooch Hooch, or can be sold for 5 carats.
Uses: Crafting ingredient
Liquor Store