makeup makeover
“Okay, okay, what do you think about a neon green though?”
“I’m going to look like a nuclear blast site.”
“Yeah, super hot! Right? Because of all the fires?”
Charlie giggles, leaning back to get a better look at her masterpiece. Despite Billie’s protests, her face looks nothing like a nuke blast. She looks striking, the pale blush and subtle eyeshadow bringing out her eyes.
Billie grumbles, breaking the intense eye contact Charlie hadn’t realized they were making. She was just looking at the eye makeup, and that also involved comparing her beautiful eye color to the makeup! The staring was necessary. She chuckles, bringing her chin back up with a pinky to get her angle back.
“Oh c’mon, Billie! I haven’t even done the lipstick yet,” she pouts, over-exaggeratedly jutting out her bottom lip. “You promised! You don’t have to keep it if you don’t like it, but you gotta let me finish! I’m painting a masterpiece on top of a masterpiece here.”
“Yeah, yeah,” Billie says. Is it hot in here, or is it just her? Charlie is perched on top of her facing her, legs on either side of her own. She said it was to get a better angle for makeup, and it at least seems to be serving that purpose. It also is making the room considerably more humid. “You can do lipstick. No radioactive green.” It was nice to see her girlfriend in one of her many elements, though Billie could do without the color suggestions that seemed more primed for a circus tent. Maybe this is why she never got into it.
“Bleh,” Charlie sticks her tongue out. “Finee, no nukes. How about blue raspberry? Cherry red? Bright pink? What do you think?” She rattles off her list, leaning forwards and reaching behind Billie to grab her bag of lipstick. Maybe it would be a bit more convenient if she had a separate chair or something, but she was having fun like this. So sue her, she liked being in her girlfriend’s lap. And maybe sometimes she leaned a bit too far just to get Billie to reach out and steady her. Who could blame a girl for that?
“I’m not allowed to say black, right?” Billie says, reaching out and placing a hand on Charlie’s hip as she wobbles a bit. “I don’t remember the whole briefing.”
Charlie shakes her head. “Nope, no black. Not that it wouldn’t look really good on you, because everything does, but it’s not the right one for this look. It’s gotta be more colorful!” She rifles through her bag again, pulling out a handful of lipsticks.
She leans back, trying to get a better look at the whole makeup look. Billie steadies her once again, her hands resting on the small of Charlie’s back. Charlie grins, pausing in her task to appreciate the moment. Eat your heart out, DaVinci. He never had a canvas as beautiful as she does right now.
Holding the handful of lipsticks up to compare, Charlie settles on a dark and rich red. She holds it up.
“Alright, you have to pucker your lips!” she instructs, a mischievous grin on her face. “So I can put the lipstick on.”
Billie raises an eyebrow. Charlie nods once, trying not to giggle.
“... Okay,” Billie says, and slowly puckers her lips.
Charlie moves in and plants a kiss directly on Billie, who was clearly expecting this. She still goes red (or maybe that's just the blush?) as she wraps her arms around her girlfriend.
It’s a little longer than a chaste kiss, but it’s not exactly a make-out session. Charlie pulls back with a goofy smile, still holding the lipstick tube in her hand.
“Okay, okay, I can’t mess up your makeup before I finish!” She says. “Sorry, sorry, I couldn’t help it.”
Billie, still mostly red, rubs her neck. ”I mean, I definitely… didn’t mind.”
“Good! This is one of my best lipsticks, so I juuuust might need to get some of it back later tonight,” Charlie says, that grin still spread across her face. Her own lipstick was a bit smeared, on both herself and Billie’s lips.
She pauses, considering. “Or maybe…”
“Or maybe what?”
“I mean, I heard of this new technique to put lipstick on…” she starts. Billie laughs, a few short bursts of amusement.
“Well,” Billie starts. “You are the expert.”
Charlie considers. Then, with another pout, she shakes her head. “No, better not yet. That can be later. I do really want to finish the makeup look!”
Billie nods, leaning back to let Charlie start back on her work. She puckers her lips again, and this time Billie actually uncaps the lipstick and applies it in a few expert motions. She leans back again, and claps her hands together.
“Perfect! I mean, you’re always perfect, but more perfect!” She leans over Billie again, grabbing the hand mirror to hold up in front of her. “Big reveal! How do you like it?”
Billie looks at herself in the mirror, and while she doesn’t entirely recognize the doll in the mirror as her, she has to admit it’s a good look. She likes how it makes her eyes more striking, and the lipstick color does really compliment her hair. It’s made even better by the fact that behind the shining glass of the mirror is the smiling face of her girlfriend, proud of the work she’s done.
“I like it,” she mumbles. Then, she clears her throat a bit. “You did good. I do like it.”
“Good! Good, I’m glad! Oh, I was worried!” Charlie says, waving the mirror around a bit before setting it down behind Billie. “Now! For the final step in a beautiful makeup look!”
“Oh, another step?”
“Yes, one of the most important ones!” Charlie exclaims with gravitas.
“Alright. I thought we were done,” Billie says.
“Nope,” she chirps. “Almost! Now that we have the perfect makeup look, it’s time to ruin it!” Charlie throws herself forward, bumping noses with Billie as they angle themselves for another kiss.
If this was what getting a full face of makeup entailed, Billie could be convinced to be a regular.
very fun to write! these bunny love prompts are a good time. i was absolutely thinking of a very specific image when i wrote this
Submitted By Mercess
for Bunny Love
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Submitted: 1 year and 1 month ago ・
Last Updated: 1 year and 1 month ago