[Gift] Some Crazy 8's

In General ・ By Limi
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It was a thankfully quiet day with patrons coming in and sticking around to either study, relax or do some work of their own. That had generously allowed Ione the precious time to be in the kitchen whipping some tasty food up to sell. They stretched out their limbs only to pause at the sounds of a familiar voice ordering something and came out of kitchen to see a certain crystal greed doll who seemed...nervous? He was standing next to a slightly taller prideful doll who Ione did not recognize. Ione swiftly retreated into the kitchen once they had heard the food order and knew of them to be something still in works.
When Ione brought the food over to the pair, the prideful doll thanked them politely while Viscili stammered out his gratitude much to Ione's bewilderment. Their eyes darted between the pair for a moment then retreated to the kitchen to clean up before it was time for their break and they went to front to make their hot drink. Just in time for Viscili to call them over.

When Ione brought their coffee over, they were mildly surprised to see him losing his cool.

"Ione. This is Kuchinashi. Call them Kuchi. Kuchi this is Ione. Here's some cards. Bye!" He then got up, somehow knocked over his chair with a loud clatter, grabbed his coffee; mug and all. Ione stared in completely and utterly judgement as Viscili took one of Daily Grind's mugs out with him instead of getting a to-go cup.

"What the fuck?" were their only words as Kuchi shook their head in mild amusement at the table.
"........I'll deal with the mug issue later." Ione sighed as they turned around to face Kuchi who sipped their drink. May as well since it's fairly quiet day. Ione settled into the seat and sipped their drink. They both sat in silence for a moment or two, sipping their drinks as Ione mentally went through the upcoming orders. The next order for Envy and Others group should be in two days.

"Care for a game of Crazy Eights?" Kuchi's voice called for Ione's attention as a deck of cards still in box was slid across the table. Ione glanced up at them with an raised eyebrow.
"No wagers." was their term that the prideful doll easily agreed to. Neither were any good at games that required deception. The deck was offered to Ione for shuffling and dealing. It was Kuchi's turn to raise their brows when Ione easily cut and shuffled the cards after removing from the package. Eight cards were deal to each of them and the remaining deck placed down between them. It did not take Kuchi long to ask about Ione's comfort levels and consent for asking questions. It had gotten an eyebrow raise from the taller gluttony who stated plainly it's case by case basis and to ask away.

Really. It should not have surprised them that Kuchi immediately asked about their demeanor.

"So. What's the whole deal about the super grumpy front thing??"
Ione had been about to set down a card when Kuchi's question reached their ears. Their pale blue eyes slowly lifted to meet Kuchi's purple eyes. Kuchi waited patiently for Ione to ponder their question.

".....Boundaries I suppose. That and buns in general can be rather stupid. Not to say that all are. I prefer to conserve my energy for limited number of buns." Ione set down a spade king followed by diamonds, clubs and hearts. They swiftly hid a smile behind their mug as they sipped when Kuchi groaned and drew from the deck.

"So. You and Varrik?" Ione paused, glanced up at Kuchi; clearly curious and yet slightly cautious. "What of it?"

"Isn't he wonderful? What do you two like to do together? I'm certain the bed activities is fantastic. Through he does-" Ione put up a hand and Kuchi went silent. Before the prideful bun could apologize, Ione sipped their drink.

"I don't particularly like to discuss intimate activities regardless of who it is about or with. Don't apologize, it is fine." Kuchi snapped their mouth shut and Ione sipped from their mug again, lowering their hand
"He is lovely indeed. Excellent cook as well so we often spend time in kitchen." Kuchi smiled slightly, seeing that Ione wasn't particularly upset.

"Forgive me, I'm particularly a private person and prefer to keep those details to myself. Too many nosy ears around." Ione eyed the diamond three, sighed and drew a card before nodding at Kuchi to take their turn.
"Through, you are in relationship with him so I do not mind sharing some details."

"I'm sure you let down that grumpy front around him then." Kuchi correctly deduced and Ione groaned at that. Honestly what was with other buns and correctly guessing details they would far prefer to keep private? Ione glanced at the coffee bar and spotted a certain sign near the kitchen that stated

'15 days since Limon's ban from the cafe'

.....Perhaps it was time to reset that ban and toss that ridiculous lust bun out simply for introducing so many nosy people to their life. Kuchi's eyes followed theirs and blinked.

"Care to tell me the story behind that?" They were curious as anybun else would be.

"Limon's one of my closest friends and we were raised together. She usually like to cause minor chaos in my life and I often ban her from my cafe temporarily because of that. It's bit of running joke around here."

Just then as if to prove their point, Limon having just entered the cafe and spotted the pair, came over to immediately wrap her arms around Ione's shoulders. Promptly go
"Playing games with a lovely prideful doll while on the clock?"
"I own this place. You're banned now. Get out." Ione huffed in annoyance. Limon, having known them for long time, was able to easily tell that they had been considering her ban and had gleefully taken advantage of her timing.
Laughing, she skipped off but not without grabbing a blended drink. Kuchi watched in amusement as the sign got reset from 15 to 0.

"I presume they're always temporary?" Ione nodded in confirmation to Kuchi's question as they continued to play the game.

By time they had gone through few drinks and rounds plus several prying conversations; Viscili finally showed his face around the cafe.
"Oh good you brought my mug back. I was beginning to humour the thought of asking Kuchi here to bring you my hefty bill" Ione huffed in pure annoyance at the greedy bun who had ditched them earlier. Through only those who knew Ione extremely well would be able to tell that Ione was more amused than anything and would not saddle him with heavy bill. He only grumbled in reply as he set the mug down on the counter.

".....Welcome back." Kuchi smiled kindly as they approached Viscili who shot Ione a look almost as if saying 'help me'
Ione only huffed in amusement at him. "Desert them again and I will bill you for my time." Ione had found out about the date wager between the pair. Viscili grumbled as he left with Kuchi.

"Did you enjoy your long break?" One of Ione's employees prodded and Ione sighed.
"They pry too much but it was lovely." Honestly it was as they had expected. Ione could see why Kuchi is one of Varrik's partners. Ione was going to add in some savory turnovers to the big order and feed the group. Back into the kitchen!

[Gift] Some Crazy 8's
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In General ・ By Limi

And well, Kuchi being very curious. Plus Viscili being a bit of disaster and a cameo of Limon LOL

Had to get Kuchi's trinket ;3

Submitted By LimiView Favorites
Submitted: 1 year and 1 month agoLast Updated: 1 year and 1 month ago

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