[Gift] [PROMPT] Flower Language
Ignition shuffles and taps his hooves, he isn't really used to being nervous but it seems that matentines does something to his chemistry.
He has had matentines with partners and matentines without. Its no issue for him since when he didn't it meant cheap chocolate...and when he did it meant he could put his all into someone else. At the moment he has two partners consistently...and is eyeing someone else but has a total amount of zero balls to chase it up. He is on his way to Arias home, which is pretty common occurence at this point for him! They can both visit Rowan later, bothering him while he's at work is always a fun time. At the current time of year though, it would definitely be more sappy bothering than actual annoyances. Attention is attention after all, and Rowan IS a pride bun.
Finally Ignition steps out into the current drizzle from above and trots his way to the complex, making quick work of going inside to keep himself presentable. In his hand is a very carefully protected bouquet of flowers, he even went out of his way to look into meanings and take detail in picking out the ones in the bunch. He...isn't actually sure if Aria is familiar with flower language because Ignition certainly wasn't before this point, but he figures if she isn't then he can just explain it to her! He shuffles up the steps, preferring to use them as opposed to quicker travel methods for the building.
He pauses at the door, slightly unsure if this entire thing is even a good idea. He wouldn't consider getting Rowan flowers because he isn't entirely sure if thats his...'thing'? However, Ignition WILL place a single pair of thornless pink and red roses within Rowans space, just to get to him a little. He is sure the man can figure out what those mean without Ignition babbling on about meanings and his intent. Most of the time, his expression is enough to get the message to Rowan, so, he doesn't feel the need to be too over the top. Aria is a different case, however.
Him and Rowan have mostly patched things up and are working on the cracks, him and Aria have already patched any cracks and are solid. This is likely why he likes to go completely overboard with her, and why she doesn't mind it. He knocks on the door.
Theres shuffling and stumbling for a few moments before the door opens to reveal a beaming Aria. It looks as if she's about to wish Ignition happy matentines before she notices the flowers direclty in her face. Her wide little eyes flick between Ignition and the bouquet briefly and he laughs,
"Yes, They're for you."
She takes them eagerly, rushing back inside and leaving the door open so Ignition can follow after her. He closes the door behind him gently and watches as she finds some form of container or vase for the flowers. She is very eagerly staring over each one, stupidly huge smile on her face as she examines each in detail.
The bouquet consists of roughly five flowers all arranged in a spread but not claustraphobic way:
Amaryllis - Pride
Red Rose [thornless] - Love, I love you
Azalea - Take care of yourself
Red Chrysanthemum - Love/Passion
Red Tulip - Love/Passion/Lust
Ignition smiles. It seems he has made an almost entirely red to pink bouquet with some other accents included. He rubs the back of his neck briefly with a hand.
"I did consider yellow tulips but...i figured it would throw off the colours so i went with red...i do still think you're very cheerful and a positive force though."
Most of the flowers being red, often symbolise love in many forms and that is...kind of what he was going for? The Amaryllis was there because he has pride for his partners in every sense. He's proud of them, he's proud to be theirs, and proud to have them. The Azalea was multi representative. While it is used to send a message of taking care of yourself, it can also be used as a sign that you take care of others! Which is exactly what Aria always does, so it felt right to include it for that reason too. He realises that maybe he COULD have tried a colour co-ordinated approach to putting the bouquet together but...he much prefers messages over looks. After all, if he was only going with looks he may as well have just gotten aria a pink and yellow bouquet, since it matches her!
She ruffles a hand through his hair gently, smiling with that silly little twinkle in her eye. "Thank you. I love you" She murmurs, leaning up to kiss him softly, which he accepts contently.
site i used so ppl dont think im bullshitting lmao
Submitted By satyrn
for Flower Language 2024
Submitted: 1 year and 1 month ago ・
Last Updated: 1 year and 1 month ago