Minerva’s Sick Day

In Prompts ・ By oldmanbecca
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Even bundled under thick blankets, Minerva felt cold.

The kind of cold that settled too deeply in her skin, making her body prickly with aches and pains as her chest rattled with another wet sounding cough. She pressed her face against her pillow, a low groan escaping her as she tried to settle down. She wasn’t sure how long it’s been since she woke up and she nearly broke out into a run to the bathroom to retch up last night’s dinner. She still felt that familiar tightness in her muscles, a promise that she needed to be careful if she tried to eat again. At least, her bed provided some comfort and she had the forethought to call her manager for the day off. Even had her bonezo, Beast curled up under the blankets with her.

Although, Minerva was starting to regret waving off her band’s concerns about her health. She wished she took up Quinn’s offer to bring her something to eat, as everything either took too much energy or involved her leaving her bed. She was close to rolling over and trying to force herself to fall asleep.

And she would have, had even gotten close to slipping under, if she hadn't hear her bedroom door open. She weakly sat up, staring at the doorway as Beast made a rattling sound. The little bonezo poked his head from under the blankets, his skin bristling protectively.

It was only when they saw a certain doll stumble through the door that Beast settled and Minerva sighed fondly, “Damn it Silas, learn to knock.”

Silas froze, about to anxiously explain himself in between sways of his fidgeting tail, but that was until he really got a look at Minerva. She was breathing unsteadily, her hair plastered against her forehead as her skin glistened with sweat.

Minerva cleared her throat, “Silas, you just gonna stand there babe? Did you want something?”

Silas took a step closer, there was an almost panicked jump in his step. “Min… are you sick?”

Minerva scoffed, plopping back against her pillows even if it made Beast grumble as he wedged himself from up under her arm. “It’s nothing to worry about alright, just caught a bug.”

Silas didn’t like see Minerva like this, she was always seemed so strong, but like this? She looked pale and uncomfortable, her chest heaving with each inhale. It was enough to make his tail flicker back and forth “Do you need something? I can get it for you. Like more blankets? Or something to eat? Or I can-”

Minerva cut him off from his ramble, “Listen I’m fine, Silas, it’s not my first time being sick. I can handle feeling like crap for today or even a few days.” She waved her hand towards him, “Go on, go home so you don’t catch whatever I got.”

Silas wasn’t sure why, but it made him upset to be dismissed like that. How could Minerva be so understanding to him when he had something going on, but the second it was about herself, it’s not important? He pouted, “But you don’t feel good.”

She raised an eyebrow, “Think that’s obvious but you don’t need to be getting sick.”

Silas shook his head firmly, “I’m not going to get sick if I’m careful. You’re too sick to be alone.”

Minerva was about to argue, her jaw tensing, but the fight quickly left her when she saw Silas’ face. The other bun was nearly shaking with unhappiness, staring at her like she might not make it through just some cold. It also didn’t help that Beast got excited to see Silas, the bonezo balancing on her arm. She sighed heavily, “Fine you can stay, but don’t be getting too close to me alright? No point in us both getting sick.”

Silas perked up, his ears swaying with the movement. “I won’t let you down!”

Minerva didn’t exactly like the sound of that, it sounded a little like a certain someone was about to try a little too hard. “I doubt you could.”

Silas brightened, quickly scuttling up to the side of her bed. He couldn’t help reaching his hand over to pet under Beast’s chin. “Is there anything you want? Like food?”

Minerva grimaced, her stomach turning from the thought. Just a few minutes ago, she thought she could eat and had even wanted to, but now with the promise of actual food, her stomach didn’t agree. “Nah that will make me sick or I guess sicker? Huh… anyway, I’m not sure I need anything babe.”

She looked at her friend, the way his bottom lip jutted out unhappily. She was used to being the one to take care of him, to take care of everyone, but now it was almost like he was desperate to prove himself to her. “Silas?”

He looked up at her, his hand pausing long enough for Beast to make a sound of protest.

She smirked, “How about this, if you’re so worried and you’re actually not afraid of getting sick, how about you act like my bed warmer?”

Silas blushed, the fur on his tail frazzled with his nerves. “But you’re sick, we shouldn’t do that.”

It took a moment for Minerva to understand him, a moment of blankly staring at him before she snorted, laughing as best as she could when it felt like someone was sitting on her chest. “Not what I meant Silas, I’m freezing.”

His blush deepened, before he slapped his cheeks weakly, trying to shake himself out of his embarrassment with the promise he could actually do for his friend. He couldn’t stumble over himself when she needed him. “I can do that!”

Minerva couldn’t help snickering under her breath as Silas fought his way under her mound of blankets, much to her bonezo’s displeasure as he was rolled to the other of her. She could only hope that doing this wouldn’t make Silas overheat or at the very least wouldn’t make him comfortable. She even scooted a little to give him room, not that he needed much. “There we go, happy?”

Silas nodded, instantly cuddling up to her with his head on her chest. “Yeah.”

And really how could she complain? Not when he was clinging to her and purring, something she’s sure was to convince her to rest.

“So why are you here? I know no one told you I was sick.” She rested her hand on his back, comforted by the weight of him against her side. Her other hand moving to rub Beast’s head, the bonezo was squeezed tightly to her side as he rubbed his horns against her shirt.

“I wanted to hang out, but I couldn’t remember if you worked today or not…” He trailed off, his nose scrunching as if he was struggling to remember.

Minerva chuckled, resting her head against his hair, “Knew giving you a key would make you a menace, you could have texted me.”

Silas mumbled against her shirt, “I did, you didn’t text back.”

She paused, glancing over at her phone. She had been out of it for most of the day, so it wouldn’t be surprising if she wouldn’t hear her phone’s notifications or better yet she was probably asleep when he texted her. “Well shit.”

Silas snickered, he wasn’t upset by her forgetfulness. “You should tell me next time you’re sick. It’s almost evening and you’ve been suffering alone all day.”

Minerva rolled her eyes.”Come on, it’s not like I was dying. Me and Beast have just been having a lazy day.” A lazy day that allowed her feeling like complete crap, but she wasn’t one to think too hard on things like that.

Beast nipped at her hand, almost as if he was arguing with her. He even made a soft sound, almost like a growl.

Silas completely picked up on it. “See, even Beast thinks you should have called me.”

She rolled her eyes, “Oh come on, he doesn’t even understand what we’re talking about.”

“You never know he could!”

“Sure.” Minerva shook her head, she couldn’t help being fond of Silas even with his quirks and his sick facts. The bun was earnest in a way sure wasn’t always used to and she would even go so far as to say he was refreshing. He didn’t have ulterior motives with her, he didn’t want her to make him famous or buy him things. It was crazy to think he wanted nothing but her friendship and the occasional fuck, which she was more than happy to give.

She cursed when Beast bit her hand again, “Damnit, stop doing that Beast. You’re going to leave marks.”

The bonezo looked up at her, nuzzling her hand as if to apologize.

Silas peeked over her chest, looking down at Beast. “He’s just a little guy.”

Minerva snorted, “Hey I wasn’t being mean, besides I’m the sick one here. Where’s my coddling?”

Silas smiled, looking excited, “You want to be coddled?”

She froze. “Hey don’t be taking that in a weird way alright?”

“I can take care of you, Minerva, just leave it to me.” He was already making a plan for what else he could do for her while she was sick. Maybe he could take care of Beast for her, make her food, or he could even help her shower. Although knowing Minerva, he was worried she wouldn’t behave if he tried to get her clothes off.

Minerva groaned, reaching her hand under the covers to grab Beast and hold him, one handed, over her head. “You hear the nonsense I have to deal with Beast? I’m fine, there’s nothing I can’t handle.”

Silas snuggled closer to her, frowning as he looked up at her. “You don’t want me to help?”

She grimaced when she realized he was giving her the impup eyes, she could never resist them. “Fine, fine, you can stay to help out, but the second I think you might get sick, you have to go home.” Which she doubted he would listen to, but she had to at least said it or she was going too soft.

She carefully set Beast back down, beside Silas this time.

Silas wiggled happily, nearly smothering his face into her chest. “You’ll see I’m great at taking care of other buns.” He did have to admit, he was going to try his best because he was taking care of Minerva. He wanted her to trust that he could help her, that he was a good best friend.

“Alright, alright I get it.” Still, she squeezed her arm around his waist and pulled him close. She didn’t like seeming weak, but she figured if anyone was going to see her like this, might as well be a bun she trusted. “So what’s next, gonna cuddle me for a while?”

Silas took a moment to think, before he quickly nodded, “Well you’re not hungry and you look really tired. Maybe you could go to sleep.”

“I don’t know, I’ve been asleep all day. Murmur, my sleep schedule is gonna be a piece of shit after this. Beast’s too.”

The bonezo looked up at her, long enough to yawn and move to lay agaisnt Silas.

“You little traitor.”

Beast rolled around until he was comfortable, almost as if he was ignoring his owner.

“Oh I see how it is, I get sick once and you think you can stop listening?” She teased, smiling as she looked at the picture the bonezo and Silas made in her arms.

Silas couldn’t hide his laughter, trying to muffle it into Minerva’s shoulder.

She scoffed playfully, “Oi Silas, are you making of me?”

The bun stuttered, until he saw the amusement in her eyes. “It is kinda funny that he’s refusing to listen.”

“Yeah that’s a spicy imp for you, but hey wouldn’t have him any other way.” She raised her hand over to pet Beast’s little head. Like this, she could almost forget she was sick.


She shivered suddenly, hugging Silas that much closer. “Ugh I hate this, I’m so damn cold.”

Silas instantly wrapped his arms as tightly as he could around her. “Even under all the blankets?”

She nodded, “Feels like I stripped down to go running in the snow bare ass naked.”

Silas couldn’t help his snort, already picturing the sight, “It’s a good thing you didn’t, you would have been sick for way longer.”

“But man the show I would have given the locals and my weird ass fans that keep following me home.” They were harmless though, or they at least knew better than trying anything. Minerva let them be weird, but if they went too far, then they’d learn a very harsh lesson.

Silas shivered uncomfortably, “I don’t like that they follow you home.”

“Don’t worry so much, I have a cop friend that I let know about this. If it goes to far, I’ll be the first to tell him.”

“It’s just,” Silas hesitated, before looking up at her, “What if they tried to break in while you’re sick?”

Minerva shook her head firmly, “They’ve never tried and I doubt they will, but I promise you, I got a way of protecting myself.”

Silas nodded, “I can protect you while I’m here.”

She sighed, not having the heart to tell him she didn’t think he would he strong enough for that, but she was touched by the fierceness in his voice. “Yeah, exactly, so I’m good for now.”

Silas smiled, realizing with a start that he was starting to get sleepy. It was hard not too, everything was warm and even Beast was sleeping peacefully against his side. It was hard not to think about falling asleep, especially in the arms of one of her dearest friends.

He raised his hand, setting it against his mouth as he yawned. “Are you sure you don’t want to nap?”

She chuckled deep in her chest, “I guess we could for a little while if you insist, but you don’t have anything else to do today?”

He shook his head, his eyes growing heavier by the second. “No nothing.”

Minerva decided to take pity on him and it was definitely not because Silas got all soft and sweet when he was tired. “Alright, I’ll take a nap. I mean I’m sick so clearly I need it.”

Silas nodded weakly, snuggling as close as he possibly could to her. He didn’t even respond with words.

Minerva simply pulled him and her bonezo almost on top of her, letting them both slip into their own naps.

She didn’t like being sick, hated it, but she had to admit it wasn’t so bad with company. She didn’t like admitting it, but she felt painfully alone when she was sick and weak. Now, she was warm and she could distract herself by holding onto Silas, thinking herself lucky to have a friend like him.

“Sleep tight, Silas.” She pressed a kiss to his hair. Maybe right now, she didn’t have to have the weight of the world on her shoulders, she could finally rest.

Minerva’s Sick Day
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In Prompts ・ By oldmanbecca

Words: 2520

Submitted By oldmanbecca for Sick DayView Favorites
Submitted: 1 year and 10 hours agoLast Updated: 1 year and 10 hours ago

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