A pillow is fluffed. Another hoodie is thrown on. A skirt is removed. A growl before the bun flops over onto the carpet floor with a loud whine; a messy pile of clothes, blankets and pillows lays nearby.
Why is she having such a difficult time?
Manis thrashes about before getting onto her hind hooves and hobbling off to find her phone. She scrolls with a pout until she finds a group chat titled 'The Star & His Menaces'
<< QUESTION FOR MY BOYS!! Did you two make nests? Did you get help with it? How did you manage?? Was it hard for you?? >>
Manis pouts as she sends off the message then she sits down and stares at her horrible attempt at a nest.
<< Kyril did mine (blueberries emoji) >>
<< Yes, Drukyul helped me! It's still up for the most part if you'd like to see it? >>
**ATTACHED PHOTO:** Stacks of books that've been turned into a fort.
ATTACHED REACTION: A Sparkle emoji (by Ari)
<< Are you building a nest soon, Manis? >>
Manis had to giggle at Mosaic's nest before shaking her head at how Ari had somehow gotten Kyril to make his. They were so lucky to have someone to help them. She sighed softly as she typed in her reply
<< Struggling. I don't know why but it feels so wrong..... >>
<< ;w; >>
She blinked when her phone repeatedly showed her boys typing on and off for several minutes. She sniffled as she looked at her nest.
<< come over >>
<< Okay ^w^ >>
She smiled at the invitation from Ari while firing off her response then she departed her house. It would be a long walk but she hurried; her sweet Bimble following closely behind her.
Ari tossed his phone to the side as he left his room to head downstairs and into the spare room so he could start shoving everything to the side to make room for a nest.
Meanwhile, Mosaic made his way into the kitchen to look over the ingredients for small snacks they could prepare for their littermate.
When Mosaic finally came out of the kitchen, Ari had dragged down a pile of clothes, blankets, pillows and plushies to set by the door to the spare room.
"I hope she's okay...." Mosaic whispered as he looked up at Ari who nodded with a small flush as he was reminded of how raging hormonal he had been during his pregnancy. Kyril had taken the brunt of his mood swings.
Then they heard knocking at the door.
Almost as if driven by habits, Ari murmured that he got the door as he stepped over the pile of bedding; heading toward the door. Upon opening the door, he was greeted by his littermate, Manis who looked very close to tears, her cheeks rather flushed as she rushed forward to hug his legs without a greeting.
Chuckling softly, the pink lust bun leaned down to pat her on her head between her huge crystalized glutton horns before gently shaking his leg so she could let go.
"We started to get things set up a bit for you. C'mon"
The sullen glutton was led to the spare room where Mosaic's prepared snacks had been set up on a side table and he was flipping through their collection of movies for something good to watch for the night. Upon hearing his littermates approaching, he looked up and smiled "Hi Manis" his gentle voice greeted the yellow bun.
Manis blinked at the sight of the spare room and it had her sniffling.
"T-Thanks...It really is SO frustrating that I can't get comfortable for stupid reasons. You two really are the best!" She was on the verge of tears herself "Where do I even start? Where’s the bedding? Did you bring down your clothes?”
She was absolutely a disaster. But she's their disaster gluttony.
Mosaic made the first move by pulling the cushions off the spare room couch that had absolutely been well loved, and began to arranging them into a square on the floor in middle of the room as Ari responded to the questions
"Yeah, some of my pajamas and what not should be in the pile. Through I do honestly think one of Kyril's sweaters snuck into the pile...." Manis watched as the pink doll poked through the large pile, pulling out a sweater that was definitely too big for him and pulled it on, claiming it for himself.
"There are plushies and bedding in here too....If you want we can add some imps?"
Manis blinked at the subconscious possessiveness Ari had over Kyril's things. Cute?
She moved toward the pile and began to go through it, starting with settling the blankets into a crumpled messy border around the cushions with a soft thank you to Mosaic who only blinked at the way the nest was starting out. The remaining blankets and sheets were added to the messy border, acting as walls for the nest. Then the honey glutton turned to Ari's clothes and began to throw them into the middle over the cushions. At some point, she got on all four hooves to circle the center, trampling down the clothes and getting them perfectly settled into the pile.
Mosaic could hear Ari let out a quiet strangled whine at how his clothes were being treated.
The pair watched as Manis began to meticulously add in pillows strategically then the plushies were the last touch.
They were not. The nest was still NOT IDEAL.
Manis turned to her brothers with a deep pout on her adorable face.
"I think I need you two and our imps...."
It is when Ari finally noticed the small Bimble that belongs to Manis. It had been lurking nearby, observing, being well behaved imp. Huh. How did he miss the little flying imp?
Still, Ari had to smile with a nod as he spun on his heel to head back upstairs. Upon opening the door again, Lovedrunk Impup glanced up from their curled up position on the bed as Ari moved to scoop up the two Sweetinea in his arms.
"Come on, Chewie!" He called as he departed downstairs, closing the door behind him once Chewie had hopped down from the bed and made way over to Ari's feet.
Those three, Ari knew, adored Manis's sweet Malia and they would all get along well.
Mosaic went to his room to pick up his Speckled Egghell into his arms in a sweet cuddle and returned to the spare room where Manis was pouting in the middle of the nest with her Bimble hovering above her.
Smiling softly, Mosaic moved over to cuddle Manis, encouraging her to lay back and they got comfortable together; Malia easily settled into the space between the pair, nuzzling against Easter in Mosaic's hold.
Ari raised an eyebrow as he eyed the nest, doing mental math in his head regarding the fit.
"Doll or bun form, Manis?"
As Manis snuggled into Mosaic's fur, finally...finally starting to relax as it was actually starting to feel like a nest. They just needed the third member of their trio, the not-primary one, the not-gluttony one, the hot-tempered one. Their Ari.
"Bun please! I know you favor your doll form but I don't feel like snuggling like that and your bun fur is so soft" Manis's eyes widened almost as if giving him her absolutely best Impuppy eyes.
Ari scoffed affectionately as Mosaic giggled while Malia buzzed softly against the two gluttons. The pink lust stepped away to strip down before poofing into his bun form and waddling over to snuggle in against Manis, sandwiching her between him and Mosaic. His Impup curled up at his hind hooves and his two Sweetineas settled in around their heads.
Manis was finally content now. Her littermates and their imps were everything she needed.
....poor Manis x3
Submitted By Limi
for Nesting Instincts 2024
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Submitted: 11 months and 1 week ago ・
Last Updated: 11 months and 1 week ago
Their disaster glutton... their hot-tempered Ari.... Limi I'm crying this is so cute
2024-03-18 04:16:15
Feature Comment
I'm crying too. they're all too cute
2024-03-18 19:18:47
Feature Comment