Mushrooms @ Meadery
"Going out to clear out the mushrooms from the property?" A voice called out as Manis dragged her wagon with two baskets in it toward the door. The golden gluttony turned her head toward one of her employees, a Sloth Doll and she smiled sweetly
"Yes, I am. They're really cropping up all over, and needs to be cleared least they swarm the property and hinder our work" she shook her head with a soft sigh "And I've already began to hear some complaints from the others. I'll be fine, I've got my wagon and I know my mushrooms well" Manis winked as she dragged the wagon out the door to get started in cleaning out her meadery property. The golden crystalized Glutton dragged her wagon with her to the farthest point of her property, the very edge so she could work the perimeter and close in on her buildings. It would be more efficient and ensure she did not miss anything important. Her Bimble easily followed behind, always attached at Manis's side and watching her work. Normally Mallia would cause trouble around the property but it was clever enough to know when not to interrupt important tasks.
It would be hard work but she always did enjoy hard work especially when it came to her property of her passionate work. Plus if she could use up the safe mushrooms in her experiments and sell the hallucinogenic mushrooms then that was all the even more better!
Grinning to herself, Manis began to walk the perimeter in search of mushrooms to harvest and sort between the two baskets in her wagon. One would be dedicated to the hallucinogenic types and the other one to regular types. Mallia buzzed gently above Manis who grinned with pleasure.
"Good thing I'm in my bun form, makes everything easier to harvest!" Manis cheered as she came across the first mushroom cluster and began to cut them down with a knife in her wagon.
It is a rather slow work, but Manis does not mind working around the perimeter inwards as the baskets in her wagon steadily grows; especially the regular kinds. She will separate them later into piles; one edible other poisonous. It keeps her busy and she finds pleasure in keeping her property tidy. Does it bother her that she does not receive any help in clearing the mushrooms out? No. It does not because Manis enjoys the manual menial work around her meadery. She has always hated sitting behind her desk and doing paper work; preferring to do physical labour. Having her sweet Bimble for company is soothing as well. That was everything she needed to spend the afternoon; just her wagon, baskets, tools and her sweet imp companion.
She's so engrossed in pulling out mushrooms and getting them sorted until Mallia buzzed loudly and a voice playfully called out
"Bad time, Manis? Should I come back later?"
Startled, the golden gluttony fell back onto her rear and her head jerked upwards into the amused face of her littermate, the only not primary colored, the only not Gluttony, Ari the pink Lust. Who far preferred his doll form.
"Ari!! You startled me! Sorry I got engrossed into taking out the mushrooms...I'm just about done though, one more left, as I got most of it off my property" Mania laughed softly as she tossed the mushroom in her hoof into a basket in her wagon before getting upright on her hind hooves.
"What brings you here anyways?" Manis smiled as she moved to check her wagon which were rather overflowing yet nothing spilled luckily.
"We're out of honey" Ari sighed and Manis stared up at him, jaw dropped.
"Didn't I drop off two gluttony sized honey containers like a week or two ago??"
"Mosaic has been drinking lot of tea lately; it has been raining a lot" Manis groaned at the answer to her question. It was true, she had wanted to start on clearing the mushrooms out sooner but the rain over last few days had not allowed for that.
"Okay. I'll get you the honey containers....I just need to get those inside..." Manis shook her head as she and Ari trekked back to the buildings where Manis set the wagon aside for sorting before leading Ari to her storeroom while Mallia buzzed closely by.
"You are lucky I keep a personal stash for you guys" she chuckled as she took Ari to the shelf where two large containers were resting.
"Thanks, you're the best!" Ari picked up the containers "He'll be delighted. You coming over tomorrow for game night?"
"Yep! I promised after all" Manis grinned as she escorted her littermate and close friend to the exit where he would head back home with the containers and she could return to her mushrooms to sort out especially the basket that did not contain the hallucinogenic type with her loyal Bimble close by.
Manis finally got to harvest them off her property
Submitted By Limi
for Mushroom Boom 2024
Submitted: 10 months and 3 weeks ago ・
Last Updated: 10 months and 3 weeks ago