Forged Invitation
"...Ven? What are you doing?" Venka looked up at the voice from her seated position on the floor with several clothes scattered around her. One of her boyfriends, the pastel Sloth by name of Fig, was standing in the doorway to the bedroom, staring at her with some bewilderment clear on his face.
"Let me just scoot past!" Her other boyfriend's chirpy voice came from behind Fig then Venka watched the punk Lust kiss Fig on the cheek as he squeezed past into the bedroom with a bunch of shoes in his arms.
"....Mol...??? What...??" Venka sighed softly at the confusion on Fig's face.
"Sorry. Boss wants me to attend that Fairy Masquerade Gala and take Molotov as my plus one. We're trying to figure out our outfits. Okay, mostly mine." She rolled her eyes as Fig groaned out "There goes our date plans" Molotov looked apologetic as Venka bent over to pull a dark red dress to her. She heard Fig let out an exasperated sigh and knew that he had spotted one of his imps was attached to the spikes on her spine; his Plush Sceil Dizzy. "He won't leave me no matter how much I tried to coax him off."
Venka turned her focus back to the red dress in front of her, it was a form fitting floor length dress with a sweetheart neckline and high slit down one side. Jewels easily covered a part of the corset and around the slit with lace covering the slit. It easily showed off her body and legs.
"That's one of my favorite dresses on you" And Molotov's comment proved what Venka was thinking: Her boys loved it on her.
"It's a high possibility as it does fit the theme." Venka commented as her Perky Ears twitched in Fig's direction as he walked into the bedroom. She saw him pause out of the corner of her eyes and sighed softly. Another of his imps, a Bearly by name of Sprout, was in her lap.
"...At least neither of my imps are in your----hair??" Venka knew then that Fig had just spotted one of Molotov's Snells nesting in her hair.
"That one won't leave my hair either. Besides if I took that one off it would just climb back up again" She gestured to the Blooming Snell in her hair, Molotov's 'Snell u later'
which was....really stupid name.
"This dress would be best. Shows off all your best assets." Venka looked over only to smile slightly as Molotov started laughing at the dress Fig had knelt down by; a black shimmering sleeveless dress. It was backless with a neckline that was deep enough to expose Venka's cleavage and ribs; the fabric just barely covering her breasts. It came with an intricate chain belt. The slits were so high up both sides that it exposed her hips entirely. Venka knew she could easily add a chain harness to the dress and add some thigh chains for accessories. Not to mention a sexy pair of-
The Greed doll quickly looked away from both of her highly amused boyfriends, her cheeks reddening rapidly. What was with her boys and their fascination with her especially when she dressed up? Especially Fig whenever she wore one of her footwear. She grumbled under her breath when she heard Molotov and Fig whisper among themselves with some chuckles exchanged.
Fucking hell those two were going to be death of her one day. She never really understood why they enjoyed flustering her so much. Maybe it was because she struggled with comprehending her own emotions or expressing them into words? They....
Often made her feel too exposed. Too...
It wasn't a feeling she liked, having been raised from day one in The Blood Watch and taught that emotions were weak. To be bottled up. To be locked up so deep inside.
"Ven?" At the sound of Molotov's voice so close to her ears made the hair on her skin raise and Venka involuntarily stiffened; having been abruptly dragged out of her whirling thoughts. She took a deep breath to compose herself then glanced over her shoulder only to see Molotov so close to her face.
"FUCKING HELL MOL!" She startled, promptly falling backwards on her back much to Fig's chuckles and Molotov's laughter.
Venka growled lightly as she sat back up with a head shake. "Fuck, you two are going to be death of me one day."
"Then stop getting so lost in those pretty thoughts of yours" Venka's cheeks immediately reddened at Fig's voice. At Molotov's peck to her check, Venka was immediately scrambling to her feet and grabbing the remaining dresses to put away much to their amusement.
"She's taking that dress you suggested!" Molotov's voice sounded chirpy and Venka could almost hear the sly smile in Fig's voice as he confirmed Molotov's suspicions.
Why was she in a relationship with those two dumbasses?
....Oh right.
Because she has strong feelings for them. They made her life more bearable. Brighter.
Fuck. Venka sighed softly as she put the remaining dresses away before opening a window to let her Gargowl in. It followed her around as she scurried around the house before returning to the bedroom where her two boys were most definitely discussing the shoes to go with the dress. Rolling her eyes as she walked over to pick up knee-high strappy high heels and set it aside with the dress. Judging by their reactions; it was not the pair they had considered.
Couple of days came and went; it was the day of the Fairy Masquerade Gala. Venka could hear her boys outside the bedroom talking as she adjusted the straps on her high heels. It could be a bit of a hassle to put on the high heels and make sure it fit her legs well but it was so well worth it. She loved high heels. They were empowering. That in addition to the silver chain body harness she had slipped on underneath the dress so they would be visible over her exposed chest. Her Gargowl, Split was perched on one of the dressers around the room with their eyes set firmly on her.
Venka set her feet down and then pushed herself upwards off the bed as she gilded over to the doorway to watch her boys.
Molotov had gone for the classic punk black suit with dark red shirt underneath. He looked fantastic as always and she knew they would compliment each other very nicely. Then Fig glanced over and Venka's cheeks were quickly growing pink at the way he looked at her. Like he wanted to fall on his knees and worship her right then and there.
...It always happened every single time she dressed up. They had even been nearly late to their dates on a few occasions.
"..We don't have time for that, Fig..." Venka moved forward to cup his chin and pull him upward into a searing kiss; easily towering over him thanks to her high heels. "Be patient... We'll have fun when Mol and I get back from the event" She grinned down at the way Fig looked smitten with her.
She released his chin just in time for Molotov to slide up her side with a cheery grin on his face.
"You got the forged invitation?" She asked him and he held it out in a hand. "Good. Let's go" Venka could hear Molotov giving Fig a quick kiss only to be dragged into a deeper kiss that ended with them both murmuring their love for each other. She shook her head fondly as Split flew up to perch on her shoulder, ready to keep her somewhat company for the evening.
When they got to the venue, the line was ridiculously long and Venka had to hold back a deep groan. She was thankful for Molotov to keep her company for the long evening. They could only hope they could pull their mission off without any hitch. But first. Get inside.
Venka wasn't worried about their forged invitation. Their boss knew his shit and she has never had any issues getting into places with his forgeries. When it was her turn at the bouncer, she smoothly flashed the invitation at the bouncer while gesturing to Molotov as her plus one. Her Gargowl, Split immediately flew off as the bouncer squinted at the forged invitation before nodding and allowing them entry.
Good. Now to 'enjoy' their evening. They had Fig to get home to after all.
Submitted By Limi
for Invite Only
Submitted: 9 months and 1 day ago ・
Last Updated: 9 months and 1 day ago