Lovers in the Corn Maze
With the earthy scent of corn stalks and the living green walls around them, Minerva walked aimlessly through the annual corn maze. She had long given up trying to find the exit, but she couldn’t complain. There were worse things than being lost and alone with her Silas, it was hard enough to go see her boyfriend when the band was busy with practice.
So maybe she had a reason not to rush.
“Are you sure we should go this way, Min?” Silas asked, scratching the side of his head, “Weren’t we just here? I think that’s the same stalk we saw two lefts ago.”
“Baby,” She playfully scoffed, wrapping an arm around his shoulders, “You worry too much, we’ll get outta here. Eventually. No doubt in panicking over it.”
“I’m not panicking,” He pouted, pushing up against her side, his head barely brushing against skin, “It’s just isn’t the killer supposed to still be out here?” He looked around them, as if waiting for someone to jump out at them.
“I really don’t think they’re going to go for a corn maze that a ton of people are lost in. Not exactly a place to hide a body.” She nudged him, “You scared? I’ll protect you.”
“But what if you got hurt?” Silas frowned, even without seeing his eyes, Minerva knew he was giving her puppy dog eyes.
“Wha- Silas, no one is gonna hurt me. Besides pretty sure there’s more security this year because of all the newspapers and what happened to the head priest.”
Silas didn’t seem satisfied, but he just cuddled closer to Minerva as they walked. It’s not that he didn’t think she could protect them, he was just scared of the thought of losing her. How was he supposed to live without her if anything happened?
Minerva raised an eyebrow, looking down when she noticed Silas wasn’t looking any happier. “What about this ten more minutes and then we get serious about leaving? We’ll grab some corn from the front, maybe a pie or two if they have any left?”
Silas perked up, “Cherry pie?”
“You and those sour pies. Sure baby, but I’m getting a pecan one to myself.” A lie, Minerva would give him half of hers just to make him smile.
Silas grinned, his tail wagging, “Okay!”
For a moment, it seemed like he forgot about all of his worries as they walked through the maze. They couldn’t go on dates a lot because of Minerva’s band and even when they did, she would get recognized a lot. They got lucky that no one seemed to care about a rockstar strolling around the maze.
Minerva interrupted the quiet, “So I’m thinking we get back to my place, we eat some pie, maybe a scary movie and then move it to my bed?”
Silas answered immediately, his eyes shining, “And we can cuddle?”
Minerva held back a snort, for all they’ve done together, sometimes her boyfriend was oblivious. “Yeah we can.” She’ll just seduce him later to get her point across.
Maybe sooner than later when she spotted an alcove pressed into the corn stalks, she was quick to pull Silas into its shadow. She made sure to look around for any other maze goers, before focusing her attention on Silas.
“Min?” He looked up, his head slightly tilted, “What are you doing?”
She couldn’t resist leaning down and kissing him, her large hand warm against his cheek. They weren’t hidden enough for anything else. “I think I really want to go home now.”
Silas was silent, his cheeks red, before he leaned up on his tip toes and tried to kiss her back. “That’s not fair, I wasn’t ready.”
Minerva chuckled, giving in as their lips pressed together more firmly. There really wasn’t anyone else that she loved as much as Silas, for all his awkward cuteness and his random facts about creepy crawlies. “Mmm gotta stop baby, we’re in public and honestly not that well hidden.”
“But we’re just kissing?”
“Does it ever end up being just kissing?” She waggled her eyebrows, her tail tapping against his.
Silas hesitated, before he nervously pulled at her vest, “No, but I want to keep kissing.”
Minerva took a deep breath, “Pure temptation you are! Listen, let’s find our way out and I’ll kiss you all you want when we’re back to my place.”
He nodded quickly, “Yeah, let’s go.”
A corn maze date was fun, but if Minerva had to be honest, she preferred getting Silas alone. Just the two of them. It was bad enough she had to deal with the band getting in the way, but she had to compete with a bunch of strangers just to get a few seconds to give him a quick kiss.
In a show of strength, she picked up Silas in her arms and tucked his head against her chest. “We got no time to lose, hold on.”
“Huh, Minerva, slow down!” He started to laugh when the rockstar took off running, clutching into her tightly, “You’re going to get us kicked out of the maze!”
Minerva and Silas weren’t the most conventional of couples and they might not always look like they belong to the same circles, but there was no shortage of love between them. Not when the pair was running wildly through a corn maze and laughing louder than every voice there.
Words: 901
Submitted By oldmanbecca
for Maize Maze
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Submitted: 3 months and 3 weeks ago ・
Last Updated: 3 months and 3 weeks ago