[Comm] Sleepy Diligence 5
"Don't you have two weeks left at The Heavenly Embassy?" A familiar voice reached Galaeth's ears and he glanced up at a purple Greed standing over him as he continued to type in what he had observed so far in his current excursion at the Heavenly Embassy. At his nod, the Greed continued in a gentle tone
"Why are you still here? Go and finish up" at Galaeth's sigh and gesture at his computer; she narrowed her eyes and he reluctantly got up.
"Fine Amarylis. I do need to meet Lessa at Paradise Cafe in about half an hour." Galaeth signed as he departed for the location of the elevator that was the only way between Heavenly Embassy and Burrowgatory. One of the first things he had noted regarding the Cherubuns was that they were very similar to Succubuns in that their personalities also varied. Primrose carried himself as rather prim and with high standards while Beanny was far more friendly and welcoming. Lessa had been rather quiet and somewhat skittish; and Galaeth found Dove to be warm.
They did all share diligence for their passions, that much Galaeth had seen. The purple Sloth let his thoughts trail off as he entered the elevator and pondered on his observations of both Cherubuns and their....Well, what a good number of them called their home, Heavenly Embassy.
Galaeth blinked back into the present as the elevator stopped at the Heavenly Embassy Floor with a sound that had snapped him out of his thoughts and he stepped out of the elevator to search for Lessa. The Deaf Cherubun could easily be found in Paradise Cafe sipping on a hot drink when he walked in. She waved him over and signed
"We'll be harvesting the flowers today. Get caffeinated up, you look tired"
Huh. She seems to be in better spirits, Galaeth noted as he went to order something from Beanny then once he had gotten his to-go coffee; he and Lessa were heading over to the Garden of Virtues where Primrose would be waiting.
Much to his chagrin, Lessa was immediately half hiding behind Galaeth the moment Primrose turned his glare onto both of them. Seems she was still nervous around other Cherubuns.
"Good you're back and oh. You brought her along again. Well that will have to do as she does know how to work the gardens. I presume she told you it's harvesting day?" At the nod from the Sloth, Primrose continued "Have her take you to get the equipment needed and get started." When he turned away, Galaeth glanced at Lessa who was quickly leading him away from the prissy Cherubun.
".....I'm guessing he told you to have me take you to get equipment? Oh, it was easy to tell considering what everyone else is doing" Lessa asked before explaining as she glanced pointedly at others in the garden working on harvesting the plants when she noticed Galaeth's surprised reaction.
Once they were at the counter full of supplies, Lessa handed him a large basket, trowel and pair of gardening gloves before taking a set for herself. Galaeth set the basket on the crook of his elbow as he pulled out the gardening gloves to slip them onto his hands while following Lessa to the row full of flowering plants farthest from everyone else. He knelt down on one side and observed as Lessa set the basket down nearby, slipped her gloves onto her hands and pulled the trowel from her basket. He watched her carefully demonstrate harvesting by jabbing at soil around the plant with her trowel to loosen the soil around the roots then hoisting it up carefully with hands under roots and deposited into the basket.
Simple enough instructions and Galaeth could see the great care the quiet Cherubun took in her harvesting so he followed suit. There was a comfortable silence between the pair as they worked on harvesting the plants, carefully loosening the soil around the roots and hoisting the flower out before depositing it into the basket nearby. Occasionally one of them would take a quick break to enjoy their hot drink from Paradise Cafe. Galaeth could hear the other visitors in the garden around them chatter among themselves, and he quickly tuned them out; prefering to let his thoughts wander regarding his research during his time with the Heavenly Embassy. His attention was eventually snapped back into present focus as Lessa waved a hand in front of him to get his attention. Galaeth hummed in acknowledgement as he shuffled a flower into basket and eventually glanced up when the hand did not stop moving in his vision.
"Ah...My apologies. It would seem that I-"
"It's okay. Easy to forget that I'm Deaf" Lessa giggled as she cut his apology off with her signing "Our baskets are full. Come let's go deposit those then we'll resume harvesting at a new plot." She was smiling and Galaeth nodded as he got to his hooves with a wince at stiffness in his knees. Noticing the identical look in the cherubun's face, he knew she felt the same.
"Knees get stiff easily like this" Lessa seemed apologetic as she and Galaeth took their baskets to the counter to deposit them in favor of empty baskets. Galaeth yawned softly as he and Lessa went to a new plot to start harvesting again. As much as Galaeth disliked physical labour, it was surprisingly easy to get lost in the rhythm of the mundane task of pulling up the plants. It helped that Lessa was just as focused on the task instead of-
.....Right. She's deaf and non-verbal. It would be hard to communicate when one is hands deep in the soil.
With a quiet sigh to himself, Galaeth focused on harvesting the current plot with Lessa; filling the basket up as per routine before they were returning the full baskets to the counter.
"You look tired. Not used to physical labour?" Lessa inquired as Galaeth slumped a bit with a nod. "Okay. Two plots is plenty enough. Thank you! Come back soon for ambrosia making?" She tilted her head as she finished signing, looking hopeful at Galaeth who nodded with some curiosity.
That would be interesting to observe. For now he would head home to rest and continue writing up his observations at the office.
It's time to harvest. Is Galaeth already tired from helping at the embassy, or is he enjoying time with his new cherubun friend?
Submitted By Cryptid-Quinne
for Pursuit of Diligence: Chapter 5
Submitted: 3 months and 13 hours ago ・
Last Updated: 3 months and 13 hours ago