Rocking Carols
There was the sound of rambunctious laughter, loud as Minerva threw back her head, barely caught by Andre as he shoved her back on her feet.
The pair had been drinking at a nearby bar and as they stumbled through the frosty streets, they heard the soft sound of singing. Minerva gave Andre a confused look, trying to gauge if he heard the same, before she jumped him by the shoulder and stopped him herself.
“You hear that?,” She muttered, tilting her head, “Who’s singing out in the park? It’s cold as fuck at night.”
Andre snorted, feeing relaxed from the alcohol in his system, “Lapis told us about this remember? It’s Cherubmas so they’re singing carols, come on he spent like twenty minutes describing it.”
Minerva gestured out with her hand, “Eh you know I’m not listening half the time to him, he rambles.”
“He’ll cry if he heard you say that.”
“Don’t fucking tell him I said that.”
Andre took a step back when Minerva tried to grab for him, laughing as he slid in the snow, “Fuck off bitch, you’ll scare the carolers. You know how some cherubuns are about violent succubuns.”
Minerva paused, thinking for a moment, before she smirked, “Let’s join them!”
Andre blinked slowly, “What like singing?”
“No shit, we’re rockstars, we can sing.”
“Not what I meant, just what is next to a bunch of random cherubuns? I’m not sure how they’d feel about it.”
Minerva rolled her eyes, giving him a soft punch to the shoulder, “Come on, imagine how happy Lapis will be if we tell him we did some caroling. He’s been bugging us for weeks to do something Cherubmas related.”
“So you remember that, but not the caroling part.”
“Shut up, let’s go, stop killing the mood.” She grabbed him by the forearm, pulling him forward before he could disagreed. “Let’s show them how some succubun caroling sounds!”
Andre should have tried to be a better voice of reason, but with a slight buzz, he was more willing to let Minerva get her way. Even if he imagined any cherubuns singing might not felt the holiday joy if they saw two large succubuns hovering next to them, singing nonsense.
But there was nothing to do about that when as they entered the park, a cherubun approached them with a smile.
Minerva perked up, “Hey aren’t you Dove? That cherubun living with Jackal, man I haven’t seen you in forever.”
Dove looked excited as they nodded, it seemed they remembered the rockstar, “Hello again Minerva! Are you here to listen to the caroling?”
Minerva shook her head, “Nah not quite, me ask Andre thought we’d try to join in it it’s all the same to you?”
Andre nudged her side, “She means if that’s alright with you, we don’t want to step on anyone’s hooves.”
Dove shook their head, “Oh no of course you can join, the more the merrier for Cherubmas, do you know any of the carols?”
The two rockstars stared at Dove until they laughed and handed over a book of carols, “That’s alright, here you can have my book for now, just return it before you go home.”
Andre frowned, “But wouldn’t you be needing it?”
Dove smiled, “I know plenty of them by heart, you don’t need to worry.”
Andre gave the cherubun a grateful smile, at least he wasn’t going to get embarrassed with Minerva for not knowing any words. “Thanks Dove, we appreciate it.”
“You’re welcome, I hope you both have fun!” Dove gave them a short wave, before leaving to join another group near them.
Minerva and Andre shared a glance, before they flipped through the caroling book together and found an easy song. She grinned, “Ready?”
Andre chuckled, “As ready as I’ll ever be for random park singing.”
The rockstars stood side by side as they began to sing carols, broken by their laughter every now and then, they didn’t know all the words but they certainly tried to get everything right even if they accidentally replaced a few verses.
Minerva didn't really think much of the holiday when she first heard of it, but it was hard not to enjoy things when she had an arm around her best friend’s shoulders as they sang silly songs. Even Andre seemed to get into things as he wrapped an arm around her waist and belted out his verses.
They probably wouldn’t have done this completely sober, but here, in the shadow of streetlights, they were just two friends trying to spread holiday cheer. Cherubuns had bought a change with them to the burrows and with that change, succubuns that lived their entire lives one way shifted into different frames.
Two rockstars could pretend to be causal succubun friends without a care in the world, singing for an audience that was mostly themselves and the stray street-goer.
Words: 814
Submitted By oldmanbecca
for A Cherubmas Carol
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Submitted: 1 month and 4 weeks ago ・
Last Updated: 1 month and 4 weeks ago