Blind Date
Each step taken was carefully placed as Porcelain made his way into a restaurant that he had been told to venture to so he could be on his first blind day.
It was important to him, he had talked about it, wished for it, but now? Who was he going on this date with? He was set up by a certain shark obsessed succubun and her partner so needless to say... Porcelain would have been worried if he had necessarily felt that kind of thing.
Those careful steps went into the fanciest restaurant he had ever seen. He knew one thing about this date, he was going to eat till his heart was content and possibly even more so.
But...Where was his date?
Sitting confidently at a private table off to the side Claudette kept a careful eye out for who her date could be. She observed as many buns and dolls entered the restaurant. She wondered who it could possibly be? She had allowed her two associates set her up on a blind date. She had been skeptical at first but was drawn in by the novelty of it all.
Claudette loved meeting new buns and getting to know them, it was exciting. She loves to spend time getting to know others even if it was for a fleeting moment that would fade into a pleasant memory. The socialite had met so many different buns in her time. Some were lovely, others not so much. Maybe this time it would stick, others didn’t seem to stay around for long for one reason or another.
She shook herself out of her thoughts of past interactions, she had to keep her mind in the present. This was going to happen and soon and she would make the most of it. She would make this a worthwhile experience.
Her gaze lifted up from the table to scan the distant entrance once again. She squinted at a familiar face… Porcelain? She was surprised that the shy bun was here and not back at the estate. She was silently proud of him for exploring of his own accord. She took a few steps towards the entrance and offered a wave. “Hello, my dear. It’s nice to see you out on your own. Who are you meeting?” She asked curiously.
There was a dessert case that was keeping Porcelain's thoughts trained on food until he heard the comforting voice of Claudette. What was she doing here?
A few slow blinks and Porcelain took his hands off the case that he had been peering into and looked to the doll who had spoke.
"Miss Claudette...." Porcelain spoke in his usual bored tone. It was as if there was nothing in this world that excited him but there was a slight shine to his eyes. That shine always happened when he saw Claudette.
"I am unsure. Eve said to come here..... That I'll be whisked away to a wonderful land...... I am unsure what she meant by that but...... There is food." His tail swayed as he thought about everything he could eat.
"Why are you here. Miss Claudette?" Porcelain questioned but his mind was back on the dessert case.
Claudette smiled warmly at the other doll as she looked into his beautiful eyes. Claudette was often cold to most, she had the surface level of intrigue and nicety but she hardly ever truly let anyone in.
The version of her that was warm and trusting was reserved for those most important to her. Porcelain was one of those few. “I see, well I’m sure I could guess what that means.” Claudette let out a small laugh, it seems that Eve and Asher had been planning this all along.
“Asher sent me here on a blind date. It was his and Eve’s idea.” She sighed but her smile remained. She couldn’t help but to be entertained by the others plan. They probably went through the Church of Sulfur’s blind date program to set this up. “It seems that Asher and Eve set us up together. I knew I couldn’t trust them to even take this seriously.”
Claudette noticed that Porcelain was eyeing the dessert case. “Order whatever you like, it’s on me. I have a lovely private table in the back as well.”
Porcelain was so dead set on dessert that he didn't say anything at first about that they were set up together. It took just a momen t before it registered and the doll looked towards Claudette. "Devilish sneaks." He said, with all too serious of a face.
Glancing back to the dessert case he pointed to a few he wanted and let the server plate them before bringing his attention back to Claudette.
"Miss Claudette...." The white haired succubun hummed a moment in thought. "Let's go eat at your private table." he said as he reached and held a hand out. "We must make this a proper blind date and hold hands." There was a slight sparkle again in Porcelain's eyes.
Claudette nodded happily and she took Porcelain’s hand in hers and led him to the private table. She was still surprised that Porcelain was the one she met here via the Church of Sulfur and her two associates.
Claudette pulled out Porcelain’s chair for him before she sat down herself. She took a careful look at the drink menu. She silently picked out some alcohol for herself and would order when the waiter came over.
She passed the drink menu to Porcelain and she took a good look at them. “You look very nice tonight, my dear.” To be fair the doll always looked lovely to her, he was beautiful.
Sitting down, Porcelain looked to the desserts that were brought to him, all three that he'd enjoy every bit of. Immediately he took a bite with his fork, having learned from previous experienced with Claudette that you don't use your hands. That was the problem when you were 'kept' by someone who didn't give a damn about you, his previous owner just couldn't have cared less.
It was a whole new learning curb with Claudette and honestly it was the best life Porcelain could ask for. He felt needed, loved.
"Thank you, Miss Claudette. As do you....Um..." Porcelain paused for just a moment.
"Are you disappointed I'm your blind date?"
Claudette ordered some desserts for herself along with her wine. When they came out quickly she enjoyed them throughly. She had never been to this restaurant before, but everything tasted quite nice and the wine was refreshing.
She smiled across the table at Porcelain “Oh, I’m not disappointed in the slightest. I’m very pleased actually.” She responded honestly. “You being my blind date is a very pleasant surprise. I’m more happy to be here with you than I would with anyone else that could’ve been picked for me.”
Claudette raised her wine glass in a toast. “I hope you feel the same way, Porcelain.”
Porcelain was quick to begin eating, savoring every bite. He remembered to be polite and not make a complete mess of himself. After all, these clothes were gifts from Claudette that they bought soon after Porcelain first met her.
Porcelain looked to his blind date and actually gave a slight smile, tho you had to look very hard but it was there. "I am very happy it's you." He said in all honesty.
He raised a fork and clinked it to Claudette's wine glass instead of his own glass. Porcelain just had no idea how things like that went so why not a fork.
"Perhaps we can go on a walk afterwards. I have things I'd like to show you. but..... It's a secret~ For now." His tail swayed behind him. This was a beautiful night and he felt full and happy.
"Thank you Miss Claudette."
Claudette smiled warmly again at the other doll. “Yes, that sounds very nice. I would love that.” She responded sincerely. She wondered what he had to show her, she was very curious.
Claudette finished her food and wine very soon after their toast. After they both had finished she had payed the bill and left an equally as hefty tip for the waiter.
As they left the restaurant Claudette and Porcelain made their way on a walk like he had planned. “What did you want to show me?”
As the food was finished and both parties were ready to go, Porcelain waited for Claudette before taking her hand again once they were outside and tugged gently. "This way." He said as he started to lead.
The thing with Porcelain was that you were never sure if he was about to show you a piece of paper he found or something actually worth seeing.
As they walked and made their to to a little spot where trees hung over and made a secret spot that Porcelain claimed as his own, he pointed. "Right here. It's my secret base." He said and let go of Claudette's hand and got onto his hands and knees and crawled inside. "Wait there." he instructed as he was hidden for just a few moments before coming back out.
A beautiful flower in hand and he held it out. "So you can remember the blind date---Don't tell Eve and Asher where my base is, please.."
The lights of a street lamp gave a faint glow in the distance. "Let's go home?"
Claudette accepted the flower happily, it was beautiful. She would try and dry preserve it so it would last forever. “Of course, my dear. Thank you so much for the flower, it’s beautiful.”
Claudette took Porcelain by the hand gently. “Yeah, let’s head home.”
Submitted By sanguineritual
Submitted: 18 hours and 22 minutes ago ・
Last Updated: 18 hours and 17 minutes ago