13 March 2024 (11 months and 1 week ago)

Xeluna / Xela


Visual Information Specialiat (VIS)


Nice to meet you! I'm Xela. Still poking around here and hugging my growing collection of buns. I'm a slower artist/writer, but I do love HC's and RP.  I have limited time to actually sit down and do these things as much as I wish nowadays, because my day-to-day involves getting suited up for long commutes to my office and doing art in a formal business setting full-time. (Phew. Doing my best at the whole adult responsibilities thing.) So if  if we collaborate, please be a little patient! ♡

Even if I may not be able to invest in making my pages sparkly, know that I appreciate other people's creative enthusiasm! And I hope to keep building up any babies I have here with lots of love and care.

HC/RP comforts: No pressure! But if you'd like, feel free to tell me about a few of your buns and I'll see if I have some beans to pitch back at you. If there are particular types of links you are looking for with your offered buns, you can let me know that too if you want!

I'm good with friends, frenemies, enemies, etc! And I'm a sucker for romance! ♡ But I like figuring out if I really like the dynamics first before shipping. Sexual stuff is okay. But for my personal ace preferences, I don't write out sex in detail. Overall, for any links! It helps me to have an idea of what people's buns are about rather than working with blank slates that need to be built from the ground up, because I'm way more comfortable with figuring out chara chemistry naturally.

Pings/DMs: Both okay! Reach on Discord me at: xela0123. My Toyhouse is Xeluna, but I only pop in there sporadically these days. I also have an ancient DeviantArt account, but meh. Super rare that I'm checking there unless I'm tracking a new adopt or something.

2340 Carats
247 Favor
1 Love Letters
Mitarashi Dango
Black Sesame Seeds
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